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QIS for QM » Entanglement


Superposition of states in quantum mechanics is hard to think about classically - what does it mean to be both "0 and 1" (or "up" and "down", "alive" and "dead")? Many questions related to the interpretation of such a state (is this a statement about reality, or about our knowledge? Is there a difference?) were treated as philosophical for a long time. After Bell's theoretical work and then following experimental (Nobel prize-winning) efforts, we now have answers to some of these questions. 

In this module, we provide an introduction to some "spooky" aspects of quantum mechanics arising from 2-particle entanglement. We work in the context set up by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen, the so-called "EPR Paradox," and conclude with an example of a Bell inequality and an experimental test for hidden variables.   In our courses, this module takes 1 week to cover. 

Notes for Faculty - Entanglement and EPR

Instructional materials - Entanglement and EPR

Below are a collection of clicker questions and homework questions that we developed for teaching these materials.  These materials can be adapted for use in your classroom, including transitioning some questions to group whiteboard activities or group exams. 

  • B_ACEQIS_Entanglement_EPR_notes.pdfFaculty Notes - Entanglement and EPR Verification required
  • Concept tests for Entanglement and EPR Verification required
  • Homework_Entanglement.pdfHomework for Entanglement and EPR Verification required
  • Exam questions for Entanglement and EPR Verification required
  • Tutorial on Entanglement and EPR Verification required
  • Our classroom implementations (complete materials) Verification required

(For more information on how we implement these types of materials in our upper-division classes, see our related AJP paper.

Quick link to relevant AcePhysics.net Tutorial (which can be done in class, alone or in groups, or at home alone) 

  • EPR and entangled states - This tutorial has questions about spin-0 Bell states and entanglement. It is framed in a context of cryptography, but does not assume any class instruction or background on quantum cryptography.