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QIS for QM » Entanglement


Superposition of states in quantum mechanics is hard to think about classically - what does it mean to be both "0 and 1" (or "up" and "down", "alive" and "dead")? Many questions related to the interpretation of such a state (is this a statement about reality, or about our knowledge? Is there a difference?) were treated as philosophical for a long time. After Bell's theoretical work and then following experimental (Nobel prize-winning) efforts, we now have answers to some of these questions. 

In this module, we provide an introduction to some "spooky" aspects of quantum mechanics arising from 2-particle entanglement. We work in the context set up by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen, the so-called "EPR Paradox," and conclude with an example of a Bell inequality and an experimental test for hidden variables.  

In our courses, this module takes 1 week to cover. 

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For more information on how we implement these types of materials in our upper-division classes, see our related AJP paper.