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Quantum Cryptography

What is colloquially called "quantum cryptography" is more accurately described as "quantum key distribution" (QKD), where a secret key is distributed to two parties in a way that guarantees security.  That key can then be used in one-time pad encryption.

These materials are intended for a faculty member to select and adapt relevant pieces to use in their classroom. In our courses, this module takes one lecture to cover. 

Notes for Faculty - Quantum Cryptography

Instructional materials - Quantum Cryptography

Sometimes we teach this material with lecture and handouts and other times we use a tutorial worksheet (both can be downloaded below).  We have only one homework question for this content.

  • BB84_Handouts.pdfHandouts for Quantum Cryptography Verification required
  • QKD_Homework1.pdfHomework for Quantum Cryptography Verification required
  • Tutorial for Quantum Cryptography Verification required
  • Our classroom implementations (complete materials) Verification required

(For more information on how we implement these types of materials in our upper-division classes, see our related AJP paper.)  

Quick link to relevant AcePhysics.net Tutorial (which can be done in class, alone or in groups, or at home alone) 

  • EPR and entangled states - this Tutorial is framed in a context of cryptography, following an E92 protocol, but in terms of content is much more targeted on Bell states, entanglement, and measurement. ( It would not be suitable to assign without some previous background lecturing on entanglement and Bell states involving spin-1/2 states )

  • Quantum Cryptography:  This activity takes students through the BB84 quantum key distribution protocol. It uses quantum circuit notation and includes the effect of an eavesdropper. It is framed in the language of quantum computing and gates, rather than generic spin 1/2 states, and would be suitable for an audience that has little background in quantum mechanics (e.g. computer science students) 

Prerequisite knowledge: Basic gates (H), measurements in the computational (Z) basis on the $$|0\rangle, |1\rangle, |+\rangle, |-\rangle$$ states.

If you are assigning this activity in your course, email us at hello[at]acephysics[dot]net to get a course page where you can access student completion information.