Home QIS for QM Intro QIS Assessment About us

Tools for introducing QIS in a QM course

Who is this for? An instructor teaching Quantum Mechanics who would like to add some quantum information science topics to their physics course.
(Materials are suitable for faculty new to these topics.) 

Topics: We have divided our materials into three main topical areas. 

Each is standalone - materials can be taught without any prerequisite material from the other groups. 
(Because of this, there are some duplicate materials across the groups.)

We do not intend for the materials to be used wholly as written. Rather, they form a complete set that a faculty member can pick and choose from as it fits their schedule, the material already taught, and the interests of both the faculty member and student.

Types of instructional materials

The “instructional materials” found on this site include: lecture notes for faculty, concept tests, homework questions, online tutorials, and assessments. 

Please use and adapt whatever is helpful to you, however it will most benefit your students. Please credit our work if you share your materials beyond your own classes. Please make an effort to keep assessment materials off the open web - alter questions for your students. 

Example Classroom Implementations