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Quantum » Wave Functions First

Quantum I Intro

Quantum (wave functions first)

Quantum mechanics at CU is a two-semester sequence. The SEI materials on this page cover only the first semester. Content coverage follows the textbook of Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, roughly chapters 1-4, including Schrodinger's Equation and time-independent wave functions  (infinite well, harmonic oscillator, free particles), formalism, probability, Hilbert space, uncertainty principle and operator methods, and ends with QM in 3-dimensions including hydrogen atom and angular momentum.

Reformed course materials were developed through the Science Education Initiative starting in 2007 with work from M. Dubson, S. Goldhaber, S. Pollock, and many others.

QM1 (wave functions first): MATERIALS DOWNLOAD

QM1 (wave functions first): Research-Based Assessment: QMCA

QM1 (wave functions first): About the course

QM1 (wave functions first): Learning Goals

QM1 (wave functions first): Challenges to Student Success

QM1 (wave functions first): Research Associated with the Course