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Modern Physics

Modern Physics is the third semester in our three-semester sequence of introductory physics courses.

  • special relativity
  • photoelectric effect
  • spectra
  • lasers
  • Bohr and deBroglie models,
  • Stern-Gerlach, entanglement and single-quanta experiments,
  • matter waves and the Schrödinger equation,
  • tunneling (α-decay, STM's),
  • hydrogen atoms and molecular bonding,
  • conductivity, semiconductors
  • BECs.

Materials were originally developed for a course for engineering majors, with a focus on applications, in 2005 and 2006 by Wieman, Perkins, and McKagan (McKagan et al. 2007). They were later adapted for a course for physics majors to include special relativity by Finkelstein, Bohn, and later Rogers, Schibli, and  Dessau. Finkelstein and Baily made further research-based adaptations to include content on quantum interpretation (Baily and Finkelstein 2010). Later updates by Finkelstein added a unit on diversity.


Modern: Research-Based Assessment: QMCS

Modern: About the Course

Modern: Learning Goals

Modern: Student Challenges

Modern: Research Associated with the Course