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Materials » Waves


Learning goals:

Students will practice:

  • Constructing scientific explanations
  • Generalizing their observations, prior knowledge, and explanations to construct a conceptual model
  • Developing hypotheses and predictions based on a conceptual model, and then testing these predictions
  • Refining a conceptual model on the basis of tests
  • Recognizing that they already have ideas relevant to physics understandings of mechanical waves

Students will articulate a model that supports them to:

  • Predict and explain how changes to the medium (i.e., tension, mass density) affect pulse speed
  • Predict and explain how changes to the source motion (i.e., amplitude, duration) affect pulse speed
  • Predict and explain how changes to the medium (i.e., tension, mass density) affect the shape of a pulse
  • Predict and explain how changes to the source motion (i.e., amplitude, duration) affect the shape of a pulse

Conceptual resources cultivated:

  • properties of the medium either impede or facilitate the motion of the pulse
  • the speed or duration of transverse motion affects pulse speed
  • the speed of the pulse is affected by its energy

Research related to ACORN Physics Tutorials on Waves