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Materials » Momentum


Learning goals:

Students will be able to:

  • generate rules (about changes in momentum) based on experimental observations, and apply those rules to predict/explain the behavior (relative speed and direction) of (colliding) objects.
  • choose an experiment to test a rule (about changes in momentum). They may generate the experiment themselves or select it from an instructor-provided list.
  • explain and predict relative speed and direction of colliding objects in terms of conservation of momentum.
  • Students will be able to explain changes in momentum in terms of forces and Newton’s second and third laws: e.g., for specific collisions, “forces transfer momentum” or “the change in momentum is equal to the impulse.”

Conceptual resources cultivated:

  • Momentum is conserved and/or transferred.
  • Momentum is directional.
  • The kind of collision (e.g., elastic or inelastic) matters.
  • Forces cause objects to speed up or slow down.

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Preview Momentum Materials

  • Worksheet - Force and Momentum in Collisions - 240705.pdfWorksheet - Force and Momentum in Collisions - PDF
  • Supplement - Force and Momentum in Collisions - 240705.pdfSupplement - Force and Momentum in Collisions - PDF
  • Instructor Guide - Force and momentum in collisions - 240705.pdfInstructor Guide - Force and Momentum in Collisions
  • Worksheet - Force and Momentum in Collisions - Word
  • Supplement - Force and Momentum in Collisions - Word
  • Download all

Research related to ACORN Physics Tutorials on Momentum