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ACORN Physics Tutorial Facilitator Guide

ACORN Physics Tutorials support learning environments that Attend to Conceptual Resources in Physics. Conceptual resources are potentially generative student ideas: “seeds of science” that can grow toward sophisticated understandings with support and cultivation. ACORN Physics Tutorials support students to construct their own models for physics concepts. Students engage in three main activities as they iteratively build a model they can use to explain and predict phenomena:

  • Gather: Students respond to conceptual physics questions that research has shown to consistently elicit generative student ideas about specific physics topics (e.g., wave propagation, dc circuit behavior, collisions).
  • Articulate: Students express their ideas more formally, often as a set of rules.  
  • Apply: Students apply and test their models for a phenomenon.

How do I implement ACORN Physics Tutorials?

  • Use these tutorials in person or in synchronous online classes in a 50-90 minute period.
  • Arrange for students to work on the worksheets collaboratively in groups of 3-4.
  • Plan for intermittent but regular instructor engagement with every group: If possible, there should be one instructor for every 2-4 student groups. Near-peer facilitators (LAs or TAs) are helpful. 
  • Instructors should prepare for both the general approach taken by the worksheet and the specific worksheet questions in a preparation session that takes place before class.
  • The worksheet should not be graded, so that students can explore a variety of ideas without feeling pressure to get the right answer. 

What should I expect students to do during an ACORN Physics Tutorial, and how can I help?

  • Students will generate many novel ideas and questions. Instructors can:
    • Notice and elevate their original ideas and questions.
    • Revoice their ideas and questions back them.
    • Ask clarifying questions to help them connect the dots.
  • Students will experience vexation points, “critical moment[s] when the[y] articulate an inconsistency or gap in their understanding [that] kicks off the sensemaking frame.” (Odden & Russ 2018) Instructors can:
    • Suggest analogies, thought experiments, and contrasting cases to support students’ sensemaking process.
    • Choose questions or observations to elicit additional conceptual resources that are fruitful for the context. (Particular ideas, representations, or experiments discussed in previous class sessions, etc.)
  • Students will be motivated to answer their novel questions, but will find this challenging. Instructors can:
    • Suggest ways students can refine their question to be answerable within the scope of the knowledge and equipment they have access to.
    • Suggest experiments to test/explore students’ questions.
  • Students will wonder whether their ideas are idiosyncratic or shared. Instructors can:
    • Encourage students to share ideas with each other.
    • Facilitate sharing by asking questions about how students’ ideas connect to one another.
    • Connect students’ own ideas or models with canonical models and concepts.

What materials come with ACORN Physics Tutorials?

  • Worksheets for students (editable and pdf)
  • Instructor guides, including common student ideas about each physics topic
  • Periscope video lessons for instructor training, highlighting how ACORN Physics tutorials elicit student thinking about specific topics and illustrating instructor moves that effectively support students’ progress

How does an ACORN Physics Tutorial work?

ACORN Physics Tutorials guide students through the process of developing a model, or set of rules, that explain observations and make predictions for a particular concept. Small groups of students work through a series of questions to prompt their thinking. Throughout the worksheet, they are asked to keep track of the central ideas and concepts that they use to explain and predict by writing ideas and rules in a model-building box. By the end of the worksheet, each student’s model-building box should contain a self-consistent model that explains the results of the experiments students have analyzed. The goal is for each student to develop a consistent set of rules, not for all students to develop the same set of rules. Rules may be simple or complex.

Example model-building box completed by a student:

Model-Building Box: Circuits

“Bulbs light up when there is a current going through the bulb. When there is a difference in potential, the positively charged electrons can flow through the bulb with a current that is proportional to the potential difference divided by the resistance of the bulb. The current flows from high to low voltage. This means that the potential difference on either side of the batteries and resistors that are in a circuit is what dictates the direction of current flow for the whole circuit.

With this being said, different bulbs within the same circuit can have different levels of brightness due to having different amounts of current flowing through them. In a series circuit with identical batteries and bulbs, the current is equally distributed among all the bulbs. The voltage is based on adding the sum of all the voltages from the batteries and the resistance is based on adding the resistance of each of the bulbs. In a parallel circuit, you could have a wire after a bulb that splits current equally down two different pathways and therefore those two bulbs that are using current that has been split will be dimmer than the first bulb with access to the full current.”

These tutorials ask students three different types of questions:

  1. Explain/represent questions tell students the result of an experiment or a law of physics and then ask them to generate ideas to explain why that is the result. They may also ask students to represent their thinking—or the phenomenon they’ve just explained—using diagrams or other representations. Students may be given a series of experiments where small changes are made, and asked to generate multiple explanations and refine their ideas based on these.

These questions elicit students’ ideas about key physics phenomena. Starting with the result rather than a prediction provides opportunities for students to be right and to practice using tools to represent their own thinking. Students’ representations provide opportunities for instructors to quickly visualize how students are thinking.

  1. Predict questions ask students to use the ideas they’ve generated so far to predict an outcome of a new scenario. Students are not asked to predict until they are likely to have enough of a model to predict correctly.

These questions give students practice applying their model and make visible places where the model needs to be refined.

  1. Model questions ask students to synthesize and connect the particular ideas they have been working with, with the ideas they have in their model-building box. 

These questions guide students toward a consistent conceptual model for the set of phenomena presented in the worksheet.

Talk Moves Flowchart:

Have questions about ACORN Physics Tutorials? Contact Amy Robertson.

  • Download the pdf version of this facilitator guide: ACORN_Physics_Tutorials_Facilitator_Guide1.pdf