Adaptable Curricular Exercises for Quantum Mechanics (ACEQM)

Developed by: Steven Pollock, Gina Passante, and Homeyra Sadaghiani

middle schoolhigh schoolintro collegeinter-mediateupper levelgrad school   other

Modern / Quantum
Lecture - Large (30+ students)  Lecture - Small (<30 students)

What? Supplementary activities for upper-level Quantum I, particularly designed for a "Spins-First" approach. Includes learning goals, interactive lectures, homework tutorials, group activities, and clicker questions. Materials are modular and can be adapted for other teaching strategies or materials.

Why? If you teach quantum mechanics (especially a "spins-first" approach) and are looking to make your class more interactive and student-centered, these materials provide modular, easily adaptable clicker questions, group activities/tutorials, homework question ideas, and more.

Why not? If you teach a "Wave functions first" course, you may still find useful materials but the organization will not match your course very well. Some Tutorials take up a lot of class time (but we have online alternatives for these)

Example materials


Activity outline

Activities come in several basic flavors: Concept ("clicker") questions to intersperse in lecture to engage students, tutorials (paper or online) for small group activities, homework and assessment questions. In-class activities will involve putting students into groups of 2-3 to discuss, debate and engage with some basic (mostly conceptual) questions that we have observed can be challenging for students.

Topic outline

(Numbers correspond to chapters in McIntyre's textbook)
0) Background/Modern Physics
1) Stern-Gerlach experiments
2) Operators and Measurements
3) Schrodinger Time Evolution
4) Quantum entanglement (and Quantum computation, also in Ch 16) 
5) Spatial wave functions and particle in a box
6) Unbound states
7) Angular momentum
8) Hydrogen atom
16) Quantum Computation

Student skills developed

Designed for:
  • Conceptual understanding
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Using multiple representations
Can be adapted for:
  • Making real-world connections
  • Metacognition

Instructor effort required

  • Medium

Resources required

  • Clickers / polling method
  • Projector

Intro Article: S. Pollock, G. Passante, and H. Sadaghiani, Adaptable research-based materials for teaching quantum mechanics, Am. J. Phys. 91 (1), 40 (2022).

You can download all materials, including learning goals, interactive lectures, homework tutorials, group activities, and clicker questions, for free from the PhysPort ACEQM curriculum page.

Silver Validation
This is the second highest level of research validation, corresponding to:
  • at least 1 of the "based on" categories
  • at least 2 of the "demonstrated to improve" categories
  • at least 4 of the "studied using" categories
(Categories shown below)

Research Validation Summary

"These resources were developed based on research into student learning using an iterative design process. While our materials have been field-tested in our classrooms, many have not yet been extensively tested for student learning gains. The adaptable and modular design provides flexibility for instructors to make minor modifications or substantial changes to their teaching. While this allows for different implementations based on the needs of individual institutions and instructors, it makes validation of student learning gains in all environments virtually impossible. However, all our materials promote student engagement with the content, and we have seen the potential for them to be powerful learning tools." - Pollock, Passante, Sadaghiani 2022 (see references)

Based on Research Into:

  • theories of how students learn
  • student ideas about specific topics

Demonstrated to Improve:

  • conceptual understanding
  • problem-solving skills
  • lab skills
  • beliefs and attitudes
  • attendance
  • retention of students
  • success of underrepresented groups
  • performance in subsequent classes

Studied using:

  • cycle of research and redevelopment
  • student interviews
  • classroom observations
  • analysis of written work
  • research at multiple institutions
  • research by multiple groups
  • peer-reviewed publication
