physics education research Recommendations

5 Recommendations are tagged with "physics education research"

How can I teach a graduate class on the basics of physics education research?

March 23, 2016 by Sam McKagan, PhysPort Director

Several leaders in physics education research (PER) have put together "Intro to PER" courses for graduate students and advanced undergraduates. If you are teaching a course like this, this collection of course websites and syllabi contains lots of good ideas for what to do in your course.

physics education research

Where can I learn more about research-based teaching in physics?

February 19, 2016 by Sam McKagan, PhysPort Director

Here is a list of resources where you can learn more about research-based teaching in physics.

physics education research,  active learning

Arguments for skeptical colleagues

February 12, 2016 by Sam McKagan, PhysPort Director

Do your skeptical colleagues question you or ask you to justify your use of research-based teaching methods in physics? This recommendation provides answers to the most frequently asked questions about research-based teaching in physics from your skeptical colleagues.
-What is PER and why should I care?
-What are research-based teaching methods in physics and why should I care?

skeptical colleagues,  physics education research,  active learning,  assessment,  problem-solving

Ten results of physics education research that every physics instructor should know

February 11, 2016 by Sam McKagan, PhysPort Director

This is a draft outline for an article describing the results of physics education research that are most important for practicing physics instructors to know and apply in their classrooms. We will be publishing the results in installments on PhysPort. The goals of this article are to explain the research behind each result in enough detail that readers can easily understand why…

physics education research,  active learning,  assessment,  problem-solving,  beliefs

Learning About Teaching Physics Podcasts

July 9, 2012 by Michael Fuchs and Stephanie Chasteen

We're getting the physics education research out of those stuffy journals and into your hands (or, rather, ears) with this little audio podcast. Co-hosted by veteran high school physics teacher Michael Fuchs and physicist and education researcher Stephanie Chasteen, each episode investigates a piece of the research literature and how it can relate to your classroom.

active learning,  physics education research,  lecture,  learning styles,  clickers,  Peer Instruction,  CAE Think-Pair-Share,  demonstrations
