lab skills Recommendations
2 Recommendations are tagged with "lab skills"
How do I design introductory physics labs to meet specific goals?
December 21, 2023 by N. G. Holmes, Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics and the Department of Physics, Cornell UniversityThere are a lot of things going on in a lab: from handling equipment, analyzing data, coordinating data with relevant physics ideas, to communicating results and working in a team. How do you decide what goals to focus on and what kinds of activities are best suited to those goals?
Which laboratory skills research-based assessment should I use in my class?
April 10, 2021 by Adrian Madsen, Sarah B. McKagan, Eleanor C. Sayre, and Cassandra A. PaulThis article discusses and compares 4 research-based assessments on lab skills to help you choose one to use in your course.
concept inventories, research-based assessment, lab skills