
Where can I find good questions to use with clickers or Peer Instruction?

by Sam McKagan, PhysPort director
Many research-based teaching methods in physics, including Peer Instruction, CAE Think-Pair-Share, Technology Enhanced Formative Assessment, and teaching with clickers, involve having your students discuss and answer multiple-choice conceptual questions. A challenge of using these methods is finding and writing good questions. This recommendation helps you find and write questions for your class.

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Peer Instruction, CAE Think-Pair-Share, Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment, clickers

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How can I talk about equity in physics classes?

by Danny Doucette, Shinae Park, and Moses Rifkin

Best practices for whiteboarding in the physics classroom

by Sam McKagan and Daryl McPadden

What makes research-based teaching methods in physics work?

by Sam McKagan, PhysPort Director


How can I make my lectures more effective?

by Stephanie Chasteen, University of Colorado Boulder
Presentation has its place and is a valuable tool, when done sparingly and for the right type of content. Here are recommendations for effective and inclusive presentations.

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Lecture, presentation

How can I help my students read more effectively?

by Stephanie Chasteen, University of Colorado Boulder
Reading is an important information-delivery tool, but most students do not read text effectively, simply re-reading or highlighting text. This results in an illusion of fluency through familiarity.

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Reading, Just-in-time teaching

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