Student ideas

Student ideas about particular physics topics.
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14 Lessons
Episode Depth University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about pressure and depth? Attending to student ideas Pressure Instructor Interaction
Episode Jump up University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about charge transfer? Attending to student ideas Electrostatics
Episode Quilted University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about electronegativity? Attending to student ideas Electrostatics
Episode Kite University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about forces and fields? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws, Electrostatics
Episode Potholes University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about mechanical energy? Attending to student ideas Energy
Episode Scratched University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about Newton's third law? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws Instructor Interaction
Episode Sparks University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about charging by rubbing? Attending to student ideas Electrostatics
Episode No way University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about pressure and volume? Attending to student ideas Pressure Instructor Interaction
Episode Newton University of Colorado Boulder
What ideas do students have about rotational dynamics? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws, Rotation
Episode Baton Seattle Pacific University
What ideas do students have about momentum? Attending to student ideas Momentum Instructor Interaction
Episode Equal weights Seattle Pacific University
What ideas do students have about tension and balancing? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws Instructor Interaction
Episode Thought experiment Western Washington University
What ideas do students have about Newton's second law? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws
Episode Moving box Florida International University
What ideas do students have about static and kinetic friction? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws Instructor Interaction
Episode Pie Florida International University
What ideas do students have about energy changes? Developing student ideas Energy Instructor Interaction