CPU Computer Simulators

developed by Fred Goldberg and many others

The Constructing Physics Understanding Project (CPU) at San Diego State University designed computer-based modular curricular activities, software, and pedagogy to help teachers implement the type of learning environment described in the National Science Education Standards and the Benchmarks for Scientific Literacy. This site includes a suite of computer simulations for teaching physics and physical science. Each simulation allows one to create many different situations to explore phenomena, conduct simulated experiments to test your own models, and to get feedback including multiple representations. For more information, see CPU Simulators overview on PhysPort.

The CPU project produced modular content units and computer software, to support an environment where students, individually, in small groups, and as a whole class construct knowledge in physics. Content units were developed in the topical areas of Light and Color, Current Electricity, Static Electricity and Magnetism, Underpinnings (in Search of Patterns), Motion and Force, Waves, and the Small Particle Model of Matter. Each content unit was packaged with a set of computer activities, computer simulations, and an electronic journal. Students use the computer activities, simulations, and electronic journal along with critical small group and whole group discussion to construct an understanding of physics concepts. In the CPU classroom students develop, test, and modify their ideas through experimentation and discussion with peers, rather than depend upon the instructor as the source of knowledge. There is a carefully designed sequence of activities and pedagogy that promotes and values the extensive intra-group and whole class discussion, building towards class consensus of physics concepts. Each content unit is divided into several cycles of student idea construction, and each cycle has three phases: elicitation, development, and application.

Because these simulators were produced in Java in 1999, they may not run on modern computers. We provide no guarantees or support for the software below.

Download Software

  • Download the Overview of CPU Simulation Software: Overview of CPU Simulation Software.pdf
  • Download the Readme for Mac Installation:  or  SDSU_Sims_Mac_Install_ReadMe.pdf
  • Download the Readme for PC Installation:  or  SDSU_Sims_PC_Install_ReadMe_2012.pdf
  • Download the SDSU Simulators:
  • Download the Applet Launcher: