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The Faculty Teaching Institute is a great experience for learning about exciting, effective teaching methods. However, workshop attendees often go home with great new ideas but need implementation help. Faculty members have high expectations about how they can improve their teaching, but need support when they face inevitable setbacks.
We offer a variety of opportunities for alumni to continue to apply what they’ve learned at the FTI in a supportive community of physics educators.

Teaching Critiques
Using our CCT we’ll be on the lookout for people who need specific feedback on materials (syllabi, exams, labs, etc) or on teaching methods or attempts. We’ll schedule a teaching critique where those who sign up will commit to digesting the material, which could include watching a video of someone’s teaching, for example, and coming to provide support to one or more colleagues who are seeking it. These kinds of conversations among teachers who aren’t in each others’ evaluation chains are often quite productive.

Free Help Sessions
Members of the leadership team along with the occasional FTI presenter will periodically schedule help sessions open to anyone to talk about both common issues and issues raised in the CCT. This is a great way to spend an hour to hear more detail about various approaches and to get your questions answered. See the FTI event list for the free help session schedule >>
My Action Plan Check-ins
Receive one-on-one check-in emails from the FTI team to help you continue to implement what you learned at the workshop in your classroom and address your current challenges.
YouTube Playlist
Check out the FTI YouTube playlist to find dozens of videos to help you in your classroom and career.
Participant Quote
"I attended the FTI back at the start of November and during the workshop I was asking everyone for advice in the job search process. This week I just accepted a job as full time faculty teaching astronomy...and I think FTI really helped me land it.
In past years when doing a teaching demo while interviewing I did fairly standard lectures with some think-pair-share or group work. This round for my teaching demo I had a far more active lecture using your ABC cards for questions that scaffolded up to one of the lecture tutorials on the H-R diagram. I had the interview committee laughing and smiling through the whole lesson.
I think I learned more applicable tools and techniques in the 3 days of FTI than I had in week or semester long classes and workshops I had done previously. Thank you all for the work you put into it!"
-November 2023 FTI participant